
Our dog is happiest when he is playing outside and covered in dirt. I mean, look at that smile!


I want to preserve all of the joys of nature for our hole-digging, chipmunk chasing pup, for our daughter, and of course for everyone else who shares this world with us. I’ve been looking for ways to do that every day. Ultimately, wouldn’t it be great if eco-friendly living was the generally accepted lifestyle instead of just a type? These blog posts are my small experiments in making that happen in one household while hopefully spreading ideas to many more. 

And why go through all this bother to live more responsibly?

Because the oatmeal and fruit I eat each morning makes me happier and healthier than a one week vacation.  Perhaps the very average things we do in our lives are the most important in creating an environmentally friendly lifestyle. My hope is to reconsider the most basic aspects of our day so respecting the environment feels more normal (and fun!) than not.

Because I wish there was more G in HGTV. Or, at least for the H part, wouldn’t it be cool if all of those remodeling shows also took into account lowering energy bills and using less toxic products in all of their building and remodeling projects? And, it’s not up to HGTV, but rather us to take an interest in and create these trends. It’s up to us as 21st century homeowners to take home-owning to the next level!

Because we buy stuff. In the absence of being CEO of a consumer product company, creating demand for products that are good for our health seems like a good way to “vote with our dollars” as they say.

Because they are watching. Our daughter, our dog, the squirrel who sits in the tree across from our window every day when we are eating lunch…when I see those faces, I see a responsibility as family members and humans in a world full of other animals to be a good influence. We want to preserve the environment, and for our kids, educate them. Like first aid and financial matters, it may not be a yearly “subject” in the classroom, but it’s vital. Education engenders respect (natural systems sustain us!), joy (fireflies and flowers and rocks are fun to collect!) and some pretty important information (“Yikes! So that’s what poison ivy looks like!”).

Because I like feeling good. I know there are many who don’t fawn over baby animals or perhaps feel much better in a concrete jungle, but how about our health? That may be the only motivator for many – and yes, you may not even believe the environment or the chemicals we introduce into it has an impact – but perhaps it’s worth a try. The only silver lining to some of those largely chronic or unexplainable health problems may be that they motivate us to live a more earth-friendly existence when we can’t find solutions elsewhere.

Because I like good news. Reading about daunting environmental problems can leave you feeling a little hopeless. But, when there is something you can do – however small – what an uplifting feeling that is. And this blog is the small stuff for sure, but little by little…

Why the willow and the warbler?

Willows are pretty trees. Looks? Check! But, they have more than just beautiful branches and blossoms. They also have use as biofilters that can clean up the water that runs among their roots by filtering out chemicals. So cool. We should all try to be more like willows and leave the natural world around us better than we found it.

Warblers are wonderful little birds with a song in their hearts. I love birds and I love waking up to bird song. Let’s not create a world in which that doesn’t exist, okay? Oh, fine, you got me. It’s also a W word and alliteration was clearly necessary.

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